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Carly vs. Hillary

Ria Wheeler

Carly Fiorina is a candidate for president running for the Republican Party.  She is the former CEO of Hewlett- Packard and in 2010 unsuccessfully ran for the Senate in California. She officially announced her presidential campaign May 4th, 2015 and has so far raised a total of $5.16 million between both her campaign and her Super PACs. Carly Fiorina’s view all tend to be on the conservative side. She is increasingly conservative when it comes to economic and domestic issues, as well as defense and international issues and individual rights. Recently Fiorina has come out very strongly against Planned Parenthood, as well as abortion in general, especially since the Center for            

Hillary Clinton is a candidate for president for the Democratic Party. She is the Former Secretary of State, Former First Lady, as well as a 2008 candidate for president. Her 2016 campaign announcement came in April in the form of a live video. Combining both her campaign and her Super PACs, Clinton has raised a grand total of $67.8 million, definitely surpassing most of her opponents. She is certainly liberal on most issues, but she does tend to be a bit more conservative when it comes to defense and international issues. She is notably pro-choice and pro-same sex marriage. She supports prioritizing green energy and the searation of church and state. Clinton is a believer that shorter criminal

Medical Progress released secret recording where Planned Parenthood officials discuss the illegal sales of fetal body parts. She has also spoken out against same-sex marriage, since the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize it this year. While she has voiced her disagreement toward newer EPA regulations and making green energy an important matter, she’s been like Switzerland to how strongly she feels about God’s place in public society. When it comes to economic issue, Carly is about as conservative as you can get. She’s very pro- second amendement rights, is against ObamaCare, and is a proponent for fighting crime with harsher sentences. As a mother who’s lost a child to addiction, Fiorina is very against the legalization of marijuana in all areas. Same thing for national defense; she’s against illegal immigration and says no to higher taxes. Carly Fiorina may have started low in the polls, but she’s definitely experiencing her own rise to fame now.   

isentences are the better path to take and that gun rights should be limited. While she’s ok with legalizing marijuana, she’s explicitly come out in support of ObamaCare. Hillary Clinton is very pro for a more progressive tax and a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. One thing that both Fiorina and Clinton agree on is that’s its ok to get involved in foreign affairs, they just may have slightly differing opinions of how to treat the situations after we get involved. While Hillary Clinton started out has a strong frontrunner for the Democratic Party, she has recently had to see herself drop in the polls and lose some ground to other Democratic candidates..

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