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Paris Climate Talks

More than 150 world leaders will be in attendance at

the 2015 U.N. Climate Change Conference

in Paris, France. The summit will last two weeks and will

allow world leaders to express their

concerns and ideas on how to better combat climate chan

ge. Leaders are expected to discuss:

mainly what's at stake with climate change, the steps nec

essary to stop it, whether there exists

enough political support to do this, what promises ea

ch leader should be pledging to go into the

Paris agreement, whether this agreement should be mor

e progressive, whether richer countries

will do more than poorer underdeveloped countries can

, and how the U.N intends to make this

agreement work. A draft agreement is already in the

works and is expected to be completed be

this coming Friday. Almost all countries in attendance

produced national plans for their

countries for curbing their greenhouse gas emissions after

2020, known also as Intended

Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC). The summi



s target is to ensure no more than a

two degree Celsius rise. Overall, the Paris talks have g

one as expected so far, however

whether they


ll be a success, we won't truly know until the end of ne

xt week.

Who's Behind
The Howl

Newspaper Staff 2015/16 

Executive Editor: 

Landon Weeks  

Co Editors-in-Chief: 

Jayda Barnes 

Sara Henley



Kendall Bryant  

David (D.J.) Candelaria

Brooke Hoffman  

Dallas Kennedy

Jordan Magnuson 

Katherine Mezich

Shonkeria Mitchell 

Michael Molen  

Dee Morris 

Matthew O’neil  

Samantha Paige 

Townsend Porcher 

Ria Wheeler 

Paige Williams 



Leisa V. Johnson

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