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How do we view the police?

In the past couple of years, police brutality has been a

serious topic in the news and

social media. This has given us a bad view of police, espe

cially due to the deaths of Michael

Brown and Freddie Gray. Police are, for the most part,

good at their jobs and great people. They

help kids fix their bikes and mother ducks rescue their duckl

ings; they orchestrate major drug

busts and go on undercover operations. Policemen live

a dangerous life and do much more

than most people can say they have done to protect peop

le. They risk their lives every day to

make sure all citizens are safe. Did you know that Shaqu

ille O'Neal is currently a reserve police

officer for the Los Angeles Port Police Department and

has also been named an honorary

Deputy U.S. Marshal? Not all police are as stern and st

iff as we often see them online; many

have friendly faces and are great to talk to.

Law enforcement does other tasks to help the community

besides fight crime. Many

police officers take on C.I.T. training to understand pro

perly how to deal with people with mental

illness and developmental disabilities to ensure that t

hey keep everyone involved safe. It is very

difficult to deal with someone with a mental illness,

while keeping them and surrounding people

safe if they are acting violent or dangerously. Under

cover police take on one of the more

dangerous tasks that an officer can have. Take Joaquín "Ja

ck" García for example: he was an

officer that went undercover more than one-hundred ti

mes and busted many criminals along the

way. He is probably most well-known for his role as "Jack Fal

cone" where he took on the

undercover persona of a drug dealer and jewel thief t

o bust the Gambino crime family in Miami,

Florida. There are multiple stories about police doi

ng good tasks, some as simple as fixing

bikes, others as complicated as going undercover on a stin

g operation to bust a drug ring.

Police do more good than media lets us see. It is our j

ob to see them for who they really are:

good people.

Who's Behind
The Howl

Newspaper Staff 2015/16 

Executive Editor: 

Landon Weeks  

Co Editors-in-Chief: 

Jayda Barnes 

Sara Henley



Kendall Bryant  

David (D.J.) Candelaria

Brooke Hoffman  

Dallas Kennedy

Jordan Magnuson 

Katherine Mezich

Shonkeria Mitchell 

Michael Molen  

Dee Morris 

Matthew O’neil  

Samantha Paige 

Townsend Porcher 

Ria Wheeler 

Paige Williams 



Leisa V. Johnson

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